Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm still here!

I'm still alive! Being away for 5 days and adjusting right back into working life does take a toll on a girl. I promise great wedding and New England fall pictures to come!

There is currently a Nor'easter sitting right over the Mid Atlantic/Northeast that promises rain straight through Sunday. This gives you an idea of what this morning's walk to work looked like:

Cold and wet! Definitely a good time to pull out galoshes and scarves. I swear my blood has thinned since I've moved down south! You would never guess that I survived four New Hampshire winters. Hopefully the rain won't dampen our spirits too much, and this is what we will look like tonight:

Happy Friday


  1. Love those photos! If only the rain really did seem that magical....

  2. we kind of have the same weather :)
